논문 (학술지)
Assessment of genetic diversity in the white-colored variants of spray type chrysanthemum cultivars using SSR markers
등록번호 | - | SCI 구분
※구분 : SCI(SCIE포함), 비SCI |
저자명 (주·공동저자) | Manjulatha; 임소현; 송현영 ※ 과제 참여정보와 일치하는 연구자 상세정보로 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. |
논문구분 | 국외전문학술지 | 학술지명 | Horticulturae |
ISSN | 2311-7524 | 학술지 출판일자 | 2023-07-12 |
학술지 볼륨번호 | 9(9) | 논문페이지 | 798 ~ 810 |
학술지 임팩트팩터 | 82.85714 | 기여율 | 100 % |
초록 | Chrysanthemum represent the second most economically important cut flower after rose, in the global market trade. It’s phenomenal importance and global popularity, gained increased breeder’s attention, resulting in the release of huge number of cultivars. Identifying the cultivars is crucial to protect the breeder’s intellectual property rights and to improve the efficiency of breeding. Distinguishing chrysanthemum genotypes based on the morphological characteristics is challenging as they highly vary within the group and hence requires efficient molecular markers. Here, we evaluated the genetic diversity of 57 spray type chrysanthemum cultivars bearing white, ivory and cream colored flowers. A total of 6 loci were evaluated for their polymorphism efficiency across the tested cultivars. Number of alleles ranged from 2 to 6 with a mean of 3.5 alleles per locus. Average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.53 for 6 SSR markers. Cluster analysis of genetic relationship by UPGMA method revealed a genetic distance of 0.31 to 1.00 and the 57 white-variants of chrysanthemum cultivars were discriminated by the tested SSR markers. However, 2 sets of cultivars including Pure Angel: Neba and Ladost: White wing showed complete genetic similarity and could not be discriminated. These results provide efficient SSR markers that can assess the genetic relationship and identification of chrysanthemum cultivars which cannot be discriminated based on phenotype. |
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