논문 (학술지)
장수풍뎅이 누디바이러스 감염에 따른 단백질 바이오마커와 디지털이미지 분석
등록번호 | - | SCI 구분
※구분 : SCI(SCIE포함), 비SCI |
저자명 (주·공동저자) | 조세영; 권요셉; 김용순; 김은선; 서효민; 최지영; BipinVAIDYA; 권혁정; 김두운 ※ 과제 참여정보와 일치하는 연구자 상세정보로 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. 동일저자 논문보기 |
논문구분 | 국외전문학술지 | 학술지명 | Entomological Research |
ISSN | 1748-5967 | 학술지 출판일자 | 2023-11-14 |
학술지 볼륨번호 | 1(1) | 논문페이지 | 1 ~ 12 |
학술지 임팩트팩터 | 1.358 | 기여율 | 100 % |
DOI | https://doi.org/ | ||
초록 | Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) infects the larval stage of many coleopteran insects; however, the underlying mechanisms and biomarkers of infection are not fully characterised. In this study, an optimal culture condition was developed for OrNV replication and proteomic biomarkers were identified using comparative proteomic analysis. The highest level of viral copy number was observed in Sf9 cells treated with 450 μM of H2O2 and 2% foetal bovine serum (FBS). Among the 48 identified proteins, 14 proteins were significantly modulated in 2% FBS and H2O2- treated OrNV-infected cells (F2V) as compared with 10% FBS treated non-infected cells (F10M). Network analysis revealed that SLC25A5, VDAC3, PHB2, and ANXA1 act as signature proteins for OrNV replication. Moreover, viral envelope glycoproteins, GRBNV_gp28-like and GrBNV_gp62-like proteins could be used as sensitive diagnostic signatures for OrNV infection. Furthermore, to conveniently identify the OrNV-infection in Allomyrina dichotoma larvae, an image classification model was trained by Google Teachable Machine, which distinguished images with accuracy rates of 91%and 86%for infected and non-infected larvae, respectively, at a learning rate of 0.001. This study demonstrated that Sf9 cell medium treated with 2% FBS and 450 μM H2O2 is a permissible culture condition for OrNV replication. Proteomic signatures may be involved in the progression of viral infection. Additionally, a low-cost and non-invasive machine learning-derived digital imaging analysis may improve the prediction of OrNV infection in larvae. |
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