논문 (학술지)
국내 장수풍뎅이 누디바이러스의 유전체 비교
등록번호 | - | SCI 구분
※구분 : SCI(SCIE포함), 비SCI |
저자명 (주·공동저자) | 김은선; 김원태; 이석현; 박관호; 윤준선 ※ 과제 참여정보와 일치하는 연구자 상세정보로 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. 동일저자 논문보기 |
논문구분 | 국외전문학술지 | 학술지명 | Virus Research |
ISSN | 1872-7492 | 학술지 출판일자 | 2023-08-23 |
학술지 볼륨번호 | 335(0) | 논문페이지 | 1 ~ 10 |
학술지 임팩트팩터 | 5.0 | 기여율 | 100 % |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2023.199167 | ||
초록 | complete genome sequence of the virus has long been uploaded to the NCBI database, it has not been examined in detail. Here, we describe the genomic characteristics of Trypoxylus dichotomus nudivirus (TdNV), which represents a new Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) strain, isolated from infected T. dichotomus in the Republic of Korea. We examined factors derived by the cross-species infection of OrNV from nucleotide levels to the whole genome level. Our genomic analysis study suggests that TdNV-Korea is highly conserved with other OrNVs in terms of genomic structures and genome size. Our investigation of the genomic structure revealed that TdNVKorea has the least number of open reading frames (ORFs) of all available OrNV genomes; three hypothetical genes were notably absent only in TdNV-Korea. In addition, the genomic alteration of the nudivirus core genes discloses that various amino acid mutations caused by single-nucleotide polymorphism and short indels (insertion/deletion) were found in most of the nudivirus core genes of TdNV-Korea. Our findings provide a valuable resource for those seeking a greater understanding of cross-species nudivirus transmission and will certainly provide valuable insight for reconstruction and reinterpretation of future and previously identified OrNV strains. |
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