논문 (학술지)
Enhancing Precision in L-band ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE Tooth Dosimetry: Incorporating Digital Image Processing and Radiation Therapy Plans for Geometric Correction
등록번호 | - | SCI 구분
※구분 : SCI(SCIE포함), 비SCI |
저자명 (주·공동저자) | Jong In Park; Chang Uk Koo; Jeonghun Oh; In Jung Kim; Kwon Choi; Sung-Joon Ye | ||
논문구분 | 국외전문학술지 | 학술지명 | Health Physics |
ISSN | 0017-9078 | 학술지 출판일자 | 2023-11-07 |
학술지 볼륨번호 | 126 | 논문페이지 | 79 ~ 95 |
학술지 임팩트팩터 | 2.922 | 기여율 | 70 % |
초록 | Following unforeseen exposure to radiation, quick dose determination is essential to prioritize potential patients that require immediate medical care. L-band electron paramagnetic resonance tooth dosimetry can be efficiently used for rapid triage as this poses no harm to the human incisor, although geometric variations among human teeth may hinder accurate dose estimation. Consequently, we propose a practical geometric correction method using a mobile phone camera. Donated human incisors were irradiated with calibrated 6-MV photon beam irradiation, and dose-response curves were developed by irradiation with a predetermined dose using custom-made poly(methyl methacrylate) slab phantoms. Three radiation treatment plans for incisors were selected and altered to suit the head phantom. The mean doses on tooth structures were calculated using a commercial treatment planning system, and the electron paramagnetic resonance signals of the incisors were measured. The enamel area was computed from camera-acquired tooth images. The relative standard uncertainty was rigorously estimated both with and without geometric correction. The effects on the electron paramagnetic resonance signal caused by axial and rotational movements of tooth samples were evaluated through finite element analysis. The mean absolute deviations of mean doses both with and without geometric correction showed marginal improvement. The average relative differences without and with geometric correction significantly decreased from 21.0% to 16.8% (p = 0.01). The geometric correction method shows potential in improving dose precision measurement with minimal delay. Furthermore, our findings demonstrated the viability of using treatment planning system doses in dose estimation for L-band electron paramagnetic resonance tooth dosimetry. |
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